First we have Drift Hunters - this is a thrilling racing and drifting simulation that lets you drive around racetracks and 3D cityscapes practicing your driving skills. Do epic driving stunts and race through the streets at break-neck speeds! Another epic sim game is Mr. Racer, a racing game that features exhilarating car races through busy streets. Stop by your favorite hole-in-the-wall bistro and take in the antique ambiance of The Sims™ 4 Cozy Bistro Kit With thousands of virtual experiences and communities, you'll never run out of places to explore and people to meet. Music clubs, roleplaying communities, virtual cinemas and more. Second Life is always wonderful, sometimes weird, and 100% wow-worthy. GEMS (Great Explorations in Math and Science)Includes science simulations such as Environmental Detectives (distinct from the high school simulation with the same title, listed online), Acid Rain, Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect, and River Cutters.