ETFy is a place for the minds who are curious about finance. The platform has been created keeping in mind the interest of users. This is with reference to communication received from SEBI/Exchanges stating that some fraudster entities have been operating throughout India and sending bulk messages to the clients trading on the recognized stock exchanges on the pretext of providing investment tips and luring with hefty profits, all clients are requested not to get carried away by luring advertisements, rumours, hot tips, explicit/ implicit promise of returns, etc. Traders in India who wish to buy USD have to buy it through the Central Bank of India, i.e., RBI. This article discusses all aspects of forex trading in India, including whether it is legal or not, under what circumstances it is illegal; how forex trading works and what its aims are; who operates this trading; and commonly asked questions. Let’s take a brief look at these headings separately in the article below.